Inthisway,theePalsplatformisasuiteoflogically,highly-interlacedcommunicationandcollaborativeproductsandservicesthatcreatefocusedinteractiononspecificissueswithlearnersacrossthecountryoraroundtheworld:theePalsLearningSpace;SchoolMail;theePalsGlobalCommunity,andIn2Books.TheplatformdriveshomefounderNinaZolt’simpassionedthesisthatwithproperdesign,socialmediaandnetworkingcan,andwill,playaprofoundlytransformativeroleineffective,authentic,andnaturalisticgloballybasededucation.(citedfrom ePals: Effective Social Networking for Education ) Asforme,IliketouseIn2Booksinmyfutureteaching.ItbringstheCommonCoreStandardstolifewithasafemotivatingonlinecurriculumthatmatchesstudentswithadulteMentors.StudentsgetauthenticexperiencepurposefullyreadingbookswitheMentorsandsharingideasaboutimportantissuesviaonlineletters.
What's Animoto? It's website for you to create stunning video slideshows.
How to use it? Turn your photos and music into stunning video slideshows. You provide the photos, you pick the song, and Animoto will add the magic.
I used to use similar tools for creating my electronics photo album. But this one is more easier and convenient. There are three advantages. First, the speed of Animoto is quick. Second, we can directly choose the music instead of uploading the one, and the website already offers enough choose. Third, it can be shared, download and posted.
When I first use it, I just think it saves me lots of time and I get fun from making it. Meanwhile, I find it's a potential teaching tool. Nowadays, students learn English, especially in China, because they have to, but not for their on sake. What we must do is to change this embarrassed situation. How to stir the students' interesting become the primary task.
As for me, I'll let the students to use this tools in two ways in my future teaching.
On the one hand, we all know that nowadays students like to post their photos on the web to the public. I'll change the way they usually do, instead, let them to create Animoto with brief introduction and text in English. Meanwhile, leaving commands to other classmates. It's not a required work,but just let them to form a habit of noting everyday life in English.
On the other hand, I'll combined it with blog. Blog should not just be words and pictures. We should make more vivid and attractive. Everyone likes travel, no matter outside or on the Internet. Students should create their own travel Animoto and write diaries every week.
Don't wait, just give it a try — it's fast, free and shockingly easy.
ThisisaBookrwhichintroducesfreshfruitstothestudentswiththepicturesandwords.Whenstudentslearnwordsinthiswayismorefunthanreadthewordswithitsmeaningsonthebooks.AndIdon'tneedtotranslatethetargetlanguagetotheirmother-tone,otherwise. Theycanknowthemeaningbywatchingthepictures.Everystudentcanmakehis or herownvocabularyBookrandsharewitheachotherbyposteditontheblog.Soit'sreallyconvenient,right?
Howabouttheeducationaluseofdigitalstorytelling? Digital Storytellingisthepracticeofusingcomputer-basedtoolstotellstories.Inthecontrastoftraditionalstorytelling,thetopicsthatareusedinDigital Storytellingrangefrompersonaltalestotherecountingofhistoricalevents,fromexploringlifeinone'sowncommunitytothesearchforlifeinothercornersoftheuniverse,andliterally,everythinginbetween.
In my future teaching, I want to use digital storytelling to let students record their dairies. They can upload their photos and videos with explanation and notes. With the rapid development of technology, the advent of accessible media production techniques emerged. Students can now use hardware and software, including but not limited to digital cameras, digital voice recorders, Move Make and Final Cut Express. These new technologies allow students to share their stories over the Internet on Youtobe, podcasts, and other electronic distribution systems. Meanwhile, it's worldspread, so students' own stories will open to the world. If it's possible, your storytelling may attract a lot of people and they'll give commands to you. In this process, students acquire self-satisfied. The most important thing is, she or he will have initiative and persistence to learn the language.